1. Interview with Bruce O. Riedel - Middle East Forum
Bruce O. Riedel is special assistant to the president and senior director for Near East and South Asian Affairs at the National Security Council.
"Islamism Is Not Unstoppable"
2. Riedel: Israel attack on Iran a “Disaster in the Making” - LobeLog
31 aug 2010 · Brookings fellow Bruce Riedel has an important piece at the National Interest magazine about the possibility of an Israeli attack on Iran.
Brookings fellow Bruce Riedel has an important piece at the National Interest magazine about the possibility of an Israeli attack on Iran. Riedel, who advised President Obama in the 2008 campaign and led the Afghanistan-Pakistan strategy review last year, evaluates the history of Israel’s regional nuclear monopoly, along with the current threats facing the U.S. and Israel. He concludes Washington “needs to send a clear red light to Israel.”

3. [PDF] The Clinton Administration Bruce O. Riedel - The Iran Primer
It invited Iran to meet with three U.S. officials—Undersecretary Thomas. Pickering, Special Assistant to the President Bruce Riedel, and Deputy Assistant.
At the same time, Iran's new Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini denounced the nuclear programme as fundamentally “un-Islamic” and ordered its suspension ...
5. Riedel: U.S. Needs to Tread Carefully in Pakistan
Bruce Riedel, a former high-ranking CIA and Pentagon official, says the United States faces a very frustrating situation in Pakistan.
Bruce Riedel, a former high-ranking CIA and Pentagon official, says the United States faces a very frustrating situation in Pakistan, and that the recent U.S. cross-border attacks from Afghanistan in…

6. New Articles | The Iran Primer
Bruce O. Riedel Iran's military leaders, both in the regular military and the Revolutionary Guards, cannot be pleased with trends in the regional military ...
Iran Warns Gulf on Bahrain
7. Iran Primer: The Clinton Administration - Tehran Bureau - PBS
Iran Primer: The Clinton Administration. by BRUCE O. RIEDEL. 03 Nov 2010 13:10No Comments. KhatamiCNN1998.jpg [ primer ] When President Clinton took office ...

8. Bruce Riedel - Brookings Institution
Riedel was a member of President Bill Clinton's peace process team and negotiated at Camp David ... O'Hanlon, Bruce Riedel, Natan Sachs, Natalie Sambhi ...
Bruce Riedel is a senior fellow and director of the Brookings Intelligence Project, part of the Brookings Strobe Talbott Center for Security, Strategy, and Technology. In addition, Riedel serves as a senior fellow in the Center for Middle East Policy. He retired in 2006 after 30 years of service at the Central Intelligence Agency, including […]

9. Book Reviews - Leiden University
Riedel, Bruce O. (2013). Avoiding Armageddon: America, India, and Pakistan ... David Bruce and Diplomatic Practice: An American in London, 1961-9.
The Hague Journal of Diplomacy regularly publishes reviews of recent books within the field of diplomacy and global affairs.

10. Lessons from America's First War with Iran - Brookings Institution
Bruce Riedel examines crucial lessons from America's first war with Iran amidst current nuclear negotiations ... David and Goliath” struggle imposed by ...
Bruce Riedel examines crucial lessons from America's first war with Iran amidst current nuclear negotiations.

11. Iran-U.S. Relations Project - The National Security Archive
Meghan O'Sullivan; Gen. J.H.B. Peay III; Giandomenico Picco (Italy); Thomas ... David Newton, Gianni Picco, Tom Pickering and Bruce Riedel. Musgrove ...
12. Al-Qaeda's Iran Dilemma: Evidence from the Abbottabad Records ...
... Iran. The analysis reveals that al-Qaeda ... Bruce O. Riedel. Political Science. 2008. Al Qaeda ... David B. Carter. Political Science. International ...
Abstract Through a comprehensive review of documents recovered from Usama bin Ladin’s Abbottabad compound, this study provides a new periodization of al-Qaeda’s relationship with Iran. The analysis reveals that al-Qaeda often had to reconcile conflicting operational and ideational pressures in its interactions with the Islamic Republic over time. Beyond offering insight into the trajectory of this important relationship and direction for future scholarship, the analysis suggests some ways through which the United States might expand the strategic wedge that exists between these unlikely allies and highlights the need for a more flexible understanding of state sponsored terrorism.

13. [PDF] Crisis Stability and Nuclear Exchange Risks on the Subcontinent
32 These conclusions reflect those found in David O. Smith, The U.S. Experience with Nuclear ... 81 Riedel, Iran-U.S. Relations After the Iranian Bomb, 4–5; and ...