Kyne’s Aegis hard mode cheat sheet – ESO for Dodos (2025)

Kyne’s Aegis is a challenging trial in hard-mode, because it saves the best for last with Falgravn being one of the biggest tank- and heal-checks in the game. Below is a compact description of how to organise a group and what to look for. If you need a more in-depth guide on trial mechanics or trash pull, check out our vKA guide.

This is just one way to do Kyne's Aegis developed by one of our raid leads, if these strats don't work for your group changing to more safe strat on 1st and 2nd boss might be a good idea! 


  • Code’s Combat Alerts
  • Crutch Alerts (Turn-on General alerts, for ALL, go to Kyne’s Aegis features and make sure that “shows icons on the 4 dps stack points for the 2nd floor” feature is on (you need OdySupportIcons Add-on for this to work)
  • KALI (Or Kyne’s Aegis Lightning, is an add-on that will draw lines on the ground for the last boss lightning mechanic with marks (5, 10, 15, 20, 25) where the DDs assigned to each mark will see their position in the line.
  • Raid Notifier

Trash fights

Trash fight:

  • Bulwark: Has a protection circle, reduces damage taken to 0 for everyone except themselves, has a nasty cleave.
  • Tidebreaker: Has a cleave attack, does an AoE attack that needs to be dodged or blocked (Dodging recommended for DD)
  • Last trash before the 1st boss:
    OT takes left Bulwark away from the group
    MT takes right Bulwark and stacks him with the lightning caller, facing away from the group (12h with the Stormcaller being the centre of it), taunts the Tidebreaker and faces him the same way as the Bulwark.

Yandir the Butcher

Group Setup

MT: Turning Tide, Yolnahkriin, Encratis’s Behemoth

OT: Crimson Oath’s Rive, Powerful Assault, Nazaray

Healer: Spell Power Cure, Martial Knowledge / Worm’s Raiment, Symphony of Blades, using Enlivening Overflow + From the Brink

Healer: Roaring Opportunist, Jorvuld’s Guidance, Spaulder of Ruin, using Efficient purge

DDs: bi-stat food or 3-stat, red cps: Bracing Anchor, Slippery

Kyne’s Aegis hard mode cheat sheet – ESO for Dodos (1)

Main boss

Boss is kept in the same position for the entire fight, when adds spawn OT taunts them, dds cleave the mini down! Throughout the fight the boss will spawn totems, ranged DD’s (R1, R2, R3, R4) kill the totems!

Chaurus Totem: Spawns a poison AoE on target, needs to be dodged! Example: This totem spawns, there is a 3.0 second timer before poison hits targets, Crutch Alerts will notify who the attack is on, dodge backwards, if the poison is dodged, dodge forward to get back to your previous position.Lightning totem: Spawns lightning AoE that moves on the ground dealing great amounts of damage to the group, blockcast!Gargoyle Totem: Shoots stones at players (just like BRP totem), it stuns you if unblocked. Blockcast! Dragon totem: Shoots flames in a <---> pattern around the totem, should be nuked fast if it spawns in the group, if it's outside of the group and the flame is reaching your position, move to safety while blocking, once the totem is killed move back to your original position.

Sea Adder

Slam: the mini jumps in the air and slams on the ground dealing large amount of aoe damage, needs to be BLOCKED

Water Sprout: the mini spawns an AoE under a random player that does huge amount of damage, needs to be BLOCKED
It cleaves, it cleaves bad – OT don’t face it towards the group!


Hailstone shield: the mini summons a health shield that does damage while up and explodes if not removed, it’s a DPS check, but really low one
Fly: the gryphon flies in the air (more like levitates), summoning a large amount of small fast moving AoE’s on the ground, if not blocked they will kill you, so BLOCKCAST!

Shamans aka Mages

Spawn clockwise in 5 different spots then go counterclockwise. Leave them if not in group

Trash after Yandir

  1. Tanks stack all, they have a nasty cleave so face them away from the group
  2. MT stacks the left Bulwark with the Shaman, OT takes the right bulwark away from the group
  3. MT takes the Tidebreaker, stacks him on the Shaman, OT takes the Bulwark away from the group, after Shaman and Tidebreaker are dead, Stormcaller near the tent, then come back to kill the bulwark. (safe strat)
  4. Last add pull before 2nd boss, just stack all and kill, no ultimates!

Captain Vrol

Gear Setup and Positioning are the same as for the first boss

Main boss

Shocking Harpoon will spawn every 45 seconds during the fight, it spawns on the person furthest away from the group, when shocking harpoon is about to spawn the whole group, except the main tank, will stack tightly behind the boss, so the Shocking harpoon spawns in the group and can be killed instantly.
Frigid Fog: Boss will summon an AoE on the ground that will do a huge amount of damage and stun anyone inside, break free and move away from it! This AoE will also provide protection for the boss, so MT needs to take the boss out of it.
During the fight there will be lighting strikes (just like at the first boss) that will deal a large amount of AoE damage, so when lightning strikes come, make sure to stay in your positions

100%-50% HP

Boss will spawn adds, OT and RoJo heal will take the Ballista repair kit behind the group and go to their Ballistas (OT left, RoJoHeal right) and shoot the add on the boat, when doing the ballistas you need to take Shocking Harpoon into account, because i fit spawns on a player doing the ballista, it most likely means a wipe.

(OPTIONAL) DD in position R3 or R4 will go to the portal and kill add on the boat

Adds that spawn during this phase are Bulwark, Harpooner and Apothecary. MT (OT if not doing ballistas), will taunt the Bulwark and face him away from the group, Harpooner will die from cleave, but has a mechanic where he targets a singe player with an attack that needs to be dodged or it will one-shot a player. Apothecary heals the boss with a channeled ability, and it is up to melee DDs (usually in position M3 & M4 to interrupt this add) if you are doing ballistas, if not, OT can interrupt it.

50%-0% HP

During this phase the Boss will spawn a lightning twin, this add has a channeled ability that needs to be interrupted by the tank, during this phase meteors will target players, just like on first boss they need to be blocked. There is an optional mechanic during this fight where MT and RoJo Heal can once again man their ballistas and shoot down the fire mages on the boat (2 hits per add and there is 2 of them, so takes 2 trips to do it, and also need to mind the Shocking Harpoon).

Trash after Vrol

  1. Stack them in front of a tent, there will be vampire infusers that need to be interrupted, the entire group stays stacked and there will be a lot of AoE damage coming, remember to block!
  2. Stack everything on the bitter knight, again remember to block AoEs
  3. Take the bitter knight and infusers and stack them in front of a tent, DD’s save your ultimates here remember to block
  4. Last pull before the boss:
    1. Before the pull one players will sneak to the right side of the cart and trigger the Raider there and roll dodge away before he is aggroed, this will cause the shaman to come near the cart in the middle,
    2. Healers will get in position to taunt the Infusers on the right and on the left, OT does Barrier, MT starts the pull by range taunting the shaman first
    3. MT taunts all the other adds nearby, while OT taunts the Blood Knight further back and takes him to the stack as well, they will be stacked approximately five meters to the right of the cart,
    4. DDs drop their ultimates immidiately when the adds are stacked to ensure a fast burn.
    5. Kill the Stormcaller near the door. Don’t stand in front of the adds, they cleave, dodge the tidebreakers wave, block the infuser AoE, block the cross-shaped AoE from the Blood knight, interrupt the infusers

Lord Falgravn

This is a safe strat for the boss

Group setup

MT: Selfish setup, if new to the raid, have a one-bar setup for the last floor. Beginner-friendly setup can look like: Yolnahkriin, Bani’s Torment/Galenwe, Lord Warden/Engine Guardian

OT: Blackrose restoration staff, using Mystic Guard and Healing ward on MT to help them survive

Healers: The non-RoJo healer can swap to SPC + Gossamer

DDs are using a shield: Annulment/Morphs, Conjured Ward/Morphs, Sun Shield, Bone Surge

Reocurring mechanics

Instability: Boss will spawn lightning AoE on a 6 players, each deals a lot of damage, they need to be taken out of the group! Damage from this mechanic can be blocked and shielded, by doing both you can survive even if stacked with up to 3 players (courtesy of Bracing anchor and Max Health Food), so don’t panic and remember to do both!

Resurrection: After resurrecting a player you will be teleported to the bottom floor, you need to climb up the stairs and find a portal that sends you back upstairs, but beware: portal will sometimes change its position and there will be blood knights who will randomly appear and do an AoE that will one-shot anyone within the range of the explosion they cause, if you shall not pass, wait it out!

Both of those mechanics happen until the last floor (35% HP of the main boss)

First floor

After the start of the fight Boss will spawn a mini-boss Lieutenant Njordal, he is to be taunted by the OT, the safe strategy is to kill Njordal away from the middle as to avoid pushing the main boss to 90-91%. Position around Njordal the same way you did on the 1st and 2nd boss!

Lieutenant Njordal

OT: both light and heavy attacks one-shot if not blocked, dodge his Blood Cleave attack backwards, it leaves a huge DoT on you if absorbed, if you end up taking it, scream for heals! Heavy attack during the kite mechanic animation. If you die, and need to retaunt the boss, block cast if you’re at range (the boss will chain pull you, which will kill you if not blocked)


Kite mechanic (Sanguine Grasp) : Njordal will start channeling and spawn blood hands coming out of blood puddles that will deal a huge amount of damage to anyone they hit, they need to be kited! Kite in a small square to avoid overlapping with other people.
Charge Mechanic (Frenzied Cleave): Njordal will charge at random players similar to the last boss in Spindleclutch 2, blockcast!

After killing Njordal, go back to the middle, parse him down to 90%

Proximity Lightning + Grievous Pulse

At 90% and 80% Boss will activate 4 sconces around the room, the group needs to form a line from the source of lightning towards the boss, after the boss is hit by the electricity, another sconce will line up

During this phase the whole group will take constant damage which will increase the longer this mechanic lasts! While forming a line players will have specific positions assinged to them and the KALI add-on will show you the exact position in the line where you need to stand!

One healer needs to heal from near the boss towards the outer edge, while the other healer stays in the middle (Position 5) and heals towards the end of the line (where the lamp is). For safety purposes, after the 2nd line is completed you can activate a barrier to help everyone survive.

The main boss takes reduced damage during this mechanic, so it’s safer for DDs to run around spamming self-shields than trying to damage the boss.

Second floor

At 70% the boss will break the floor and send you down to the middle arena and 2nd stage of the fight (70%-35%).
At the start of this phase there will be a Blood Knight, a Crimson Knight and a Bitter Knight, all the DDs and the Healers will stack tightly together and dps them down. Each knight has its corresponding mechanic.

  • Bitter Knight encases a random player in Sanguine Prison, that needs to be destroyed in 8 seconds or the player will die, hence the tight stack during this phase.
  • Blood Knight creates a cross-shaped AoE lines
  • Crimson Knight enrages and deals more damage.

Once one of the knights die, the remaining ones absorb the power and can cast two prisons at the same time, so preferably they need to die at the same time

After you kill the knights, Falgravn will fly down (he won’t be taunted for a second so everyone remember to dodge).

MT needs to position the boss in the middle, while the rest of the group takes their position around the boss in the positions indicated by Crutch Alerts (1 – M1&R1, 2 – M2&R2, etc.).

Healers stand between DD stacks: RoJo Heal between 1 and 2, Group Heal between 3 and 4.

OT stands next to or behind the MT and guards+wards them.


Boss will do Hemorrhage mechanic, first hit of this ability needs to be blocked, and after that YOU MUST NOT MOVE, if instabilities come during this phase, both people in the stack shield up and stay.

MT positions the boss directly in the middle, staying at least 5 meters away from it to avoid standing under the Inchor Sphere. If you see an Inchor Pool underneath you, you’re standing too close, step back, otherwise the pool will do significant damage and drain your stamina.

When Inchor Eruption mechanic is about to happen, supports can barrier to help with survival. Then OT grabs the Coagulant and stacks them on the main boss.

Overall, this phase looks similar to the non-hm version of it, but since everything deals more damage, if one of the dds dies, resurrect them after this phase is over, killing as many coagulants as possible is the main priority.

Third Floor

At 35% Boss will break the floor once again and send you to the final execute phase. Falgravn will slowly fly down, so remember to dodge because MT can miss the boss and he will be untaunted for a second.

Main tank

The boss is enraged now, so if you’re not comfortable with timing of the attacks, stay on the S&B bar at all times and permanently block, refreshing the back bar buffs and heavy attacking only when the boss flies up. Cross swipe (heavy attack) deals insane amount of damage and spawns an Inchor pool on your position when the attack hits you.

Position the boss near the wall, and slowly move him around to avoid sitting in pools. A more advanced strategy is to stack those pools on top of one another holding the boss as stationary as possible, but it requires a bit of practice to get the timing right. Move clockwise and stay close to the stack, to never drop guard from the OT and get healing.

Kyne’s Aegis hard mode cheat sheet – ESO for Dodos (2)


Keep guard and the buff from BRP Resto on the main tank. Once the Torturers spawn, range taunt them immediately, stack near the boss and permablock until they are dead


This is a serious heal check.

Kyne’s Aegis hard mode cheat sheet – ESO for Dodos (3)

Command your group to stay as stacked as possible and as close to the main tank as possible. MT should receive all of your heals too, so the group has to be close to the MT. Apotheosis will affect the whole group (similar to the damage from the Grievous pulse mechanic) and it will increase over time, when the damage from this mechanic reaches more than 50% of health per tick, you need to pop a barrier to insure everyones survival!

(Once you kill all tortures the damage goes down)


Kyne’s Aegis hard mode cheat sheet – ESO for Dodos (4)

Boss doesn’t cleave, so stay in a perfect stack inside one another for the whole duration of the fight. Avoid inchor pools, but never run away from the stack. If you accidentally roll dodge or have to run out, spam self-shields until you return to the stack


Torturers appear about every 50 seconds, 2 per spawn, 4 times, so 8 torturers in total. We don’t kill torturers, so there will be 2 adds coming, OT will taunt them and bring them close to the group, but in the best scenario it takes 1-2 seconds. If you see that you’re targeted by a torturer, roll dodge until OT has him taunted. You need to focus them with burst ultimates to ensure they die as quickly as possible.

They do a charge mechanic (similar to Njordal) and all players must blockcast during this mechanic.

And that should be it! Good luck with your progression!

Kyne’s Aegis hard mode cheat sheet – ESO for Dodos (2025)


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